Static Intel386(TM) SX and Intel386 CX Embedded Microprocessors
The Static Intel386 SX microprocessor is an entry-level, 32-bit static micro-processor targeted at the embedded processor market. It is compatible with the established, dynamic Intel386 SX micro-processor and is a pin-for-pin replacement. The Intel386 CX microprocessor adds functionality, power management and low-voltage operation; its 32-bit static core design enables embedded applications to function in a very low power environment. These microprocessors provide the performance benefits of a 32-bit architecture with the cost savings of a 16-bit hardware system.
An important feature of the static Intel386 SX and Intel386 CX micro-processors is their compatibility with personal computers. They are fully compatible with Microsoft Windows and DOS. They offer the user flexibility in choosing a peripheral chip set optimized for the embedded application. Combined with the chip set, this opens many new opportunities for embedded system designers.
First, applications based on the Static Intel386 SX and Intel386 CX micro-processors become more user-friendly. Embedding DOS or Windows within a design allows designers to implement an array of existing software applications within their systems. In fact, software packages traditionally used in the personal computer, such as Lotus 1-2-3-and Microsoft Excel, are now finding their way into embedded solutions.
Second, the static Intel386 SX and Intel386 CX microprocessors enable shorter design cycles for embedded systems. With over 50,000 DOS applications available today, the possibility of reducing software development and debugging time increases significantly. The ability to use a PC for software debugging and the enormous number of development tools avail-able for the Intel386 architecture allow for simple, inexpensive system software development. Real-time applications are easier to develop with a real-time operating system.
The flexibility and PC compatibility of the Static Intel386 SX and Intel386 CX microprocessors make them excellent embedded solutions. Reduced design complexity and software development time, offered by the Static Intel386 SX and Intel386 CX microprocessors, are major advantages in today¦s embedded market.